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Showing posts from August, 2013

IE 10 in IE7 compatibility mode returns error: 'SCRIPT3: Member not found'

Lately I upgraded my Internet Explorer to newer version which is 10, and was quite happy about it, but that doesn't seem to last long, when I tested my site changing the browser mode IE7, specifically using IE10, then jquery have thrown an error saying "member not found" , I was not surprised as such issues I have seen before as well, and was sure that there was JS code messed up from my side, after scanning through all the methods etc. I was not able to figure out anything, even was not sure what to search on Internet. After introspecting it was clear that this bug was not coming while I was using IE 7 from IE 9 browser installed, it came only after upgrading. At last, I found the root cause, it was not the jquery, not my JS code, not the custom dropdowns, even not all the pages were throwing this error, this was due to the jquery validate plugin, and thanks to  jester12345  who acknowledged the bug at ...