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Install SugarCRM - Step by Step Guide

SugarCRM is the market-leading, commercial Open Source customer relationship management (CRM) application. SugarCRM’s Open Source architecture easily adapts to any business environment by offering a more flexible, cost-effective alternative than proprietary applications. It offers a complete CRM system for businesses of all sizes. For a small business SugarCRM can be a huge time and expense saver. It requires minimal technical knowledge to get it installed and the built in web administration console and backup system allow you to feel comfortable that it’s going to keep running. Core SugarCRM functionality includes sales automation, marketing campaigns, support cases, project mgmt, calendaring and more. Built in PHP, supports MySQL and SQL Server allows it that cool functionality LAMP system. We have tested it Windows XP/Vista/2k3.

Step 1: Installing XAMPP on Windows
Go to and click "XAMPP Windows 1.7.1". Download the Installer options. At the time this article was written the version was: "xampp-win32-1.7.1-installer.exe".
Run the installer. If you want, you can choose to install the Apache and MySQL servers as Services, which will make them start automatically every time you start Windows. If you don't choose this option, you will need to use the XAMPP Control Panel application to start the servers individually each time you need them. This may be desirable if you don't intend to use your servers that often.

Upon completion of installation, the XAMPP Control Panel will open (if not, click Start » All Programs » Apache Friends » XAMPP » XAMPP Control Panel). This tool lets you start and stop the various servers installed as part of XAMPP.

Start Apache and MySQL by clicking on the "Start" buttons next to each item. If prompted by Windows Firewall, click the button labeled "Unblock".

Go to http://localhost/xampp or If you are directed to a page with the XAMPP logo, your installation was successful. Congratulations!

Click Security link to look down your server against cybercriminals, and the wizard to complete the lockdown. Secure only XAMPP, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin but not PHP as we’re working only on development test, however, do lock it down if under production.

To fix the problems for mysql, phpmyadmin and the xampp directory simply use
=> http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php <= [allowed only for localhost]
Note: You can add or change the files in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs to change what you see at http://localhost/ on any local web browser. You may need to delete index.php in that directory to stop the server from automatically redirecting you to the XAMPP configuration interface.
Here are the locations of some configuration and log files you may want to view or change:
Apache configuration
C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf, C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\conf\extra\*.conf
Apache logs
C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\logs\access.log, C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\logs\error.log
PHP configuration
C:\Program Files\xampp\php\php.ini
MySQL configuration
C:\Program Files\xampp\mysql\bin\my.cnf
Step 2: Access MySQL Command Line in XAMPP
There are two ways to do it. Both are basically the same, but one just makes it a lot easier. We'll go over the harder one first.
1. First Method:
Start the command prompt, and cd to the xampp directory. It'll usually be something like:
cd .\Program Files\xampp
if you used the installer and default install location.
Once in there, cd to the mysql bin directory: cd mysql/bin
Now, run the command:
mysql.exe --user=root --password=
And the MySQL command line will start. If you've changed the username or password of the MySQL user, you need to change the user= <username> and password=<password> accordingly.
2. Second method:
Basically the same way as before, but we'll create a batch file to make it easier.
First, create a file called mysql_command.bat in the XAMPP directory.
Edit this file with Notepad or any text editor, and paste in this:

@echo off
echo Starting MySQL command line...
"C:\Program Files\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe"
Save it, and ensure to change the –user= and –password= if you've changed the user or password.
Now, run mysql_command.bat and a command prompt will show up with the MySQL command line running. That’s it - It's as easy as that.

                                         Step 3: Installing SugarCRM
Go to and download SugarCRM Community Edition the open source option or buy the commercial version as desired. At the time of writing we downloaded the: SugarCE

Extract the downloaded archive file to c:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs directory,
Change to the htdocs directory and rename the SugarCRM-5.2.0i to sugarsuite
To install SugarCRM, open a browser and type: http://localhost/sugarsuite/ as shown in the figure.
Click to read the: Required Systems Components, Initial Systems Check, Typical or Custom install requirements and information, and then click Next.

Read the license requirement and the click to Accept, and then click Next.

Select Typical install or Custom install if you know what you’re doing, then click Next.

Accept the default MySQL database detected, or change if it’s different, then click Next.

Complete the required sections as shown, change to suit your system environment.

On the Site Configuration page, provide the Admin password, then click Next.

On the Locale Settings page, accept the defaults or change as desired, and then click Next.

On the Confirm Settings page, verify that all settings are OK and no errors. You also have the option to Print Summary, and see the passwords used, then click Next.

On the Perform Setup page, when Sugar configuration and setup is successfully completed and there is no error, then click Next.

14. On the Registration page, you have option to register with the Vendor, when done click Next.

14.On the Welcome and Login page, enter your credentials and click Login.

15. Congrats!! You’re in your newly minted SugarCRM home – Enjoy!

Hurrah – we’re done – enjoying SugarCRM – the most powerful open source CRM software.

Have fun & GOOD LUCK!


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