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Showing posts from 2012

Step by Step guide to install and configure android emulator

We all require to see or test our site or application on a widely used android emulator, I spent a lot of time on internet just to see how to configure the same, I am consolidating those steps and writing in my blog post, so that it might be helpful for someone somewhere around the globe. Below is a step by step guide on how to install and configure Andriod emulator on Windows machine. 1) Install JDK first  if already not installed in the system, path as follows     2) After Successful Installation, Install  Android SDK manager from   or (The following latest version, which might get outdated over time)  3) After Successful installation, Open SDK manager Make sure everything gets installed, If it doesn’t...

Digital Clock Using Javascript

Digital Clock Using Javascript This tutorial focuses on the setTimeout function for javascript, using which we can set a interval to a span tag and make it like a working digital clock. You can choose any tag in the HTML and force to refresh it on a set interval on its own, without making the page load or heavy using ajax calls to the server, below is the complete HTML code for a Digital Clock using javascript. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html>   <head>   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">   <title>Digital Clock | Javascript</title>   <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">     function showtime() {       now=new Date();       hour=now.getHours();       min=now.getMinutes();       sec=now.getSeconds();          if (min...

Modal window with browser close event

Prompt a window at the time of logout You can download the complete Project from here We all come across scenarios where a modal window needs to be popped up at the event of logout, you can do a simple alert box, confirm box or stylish jquery plugins available on the internet. For this tutorial I am referring to a superb simple light weight jquery modal window by Eric Martin , I do not own this library, I have just implemented it and other add on utilities. Lets get started, so requirements: 1) User should see a light box modal window at the time of logout. 2) The pop up window should have a confirmation box stating yes or no. 3) Click No and window should remain intact. 4) Click yes, background operations, server calls, document write etc. If log out operation is not performed, user while navigating away from the current window should be prompted, like "do you want to navigate away from this window or stay on this window" . Catch: pressing f5 does not tri...

MBA Material

We all do google, right, we learn from google, we should also give back to it. This post is again very simple, we search for presentations, data, thesis, case study and lot of things, for learning, information or may be last minute preparations for topic presentations that you might need to submit or need to refer to. So here is the key, simple post your requirement(for MBA stuff as of now, but top B School into which I am in) and I shall try to provide for free to public. Topics like Business Communications, IT Strategy, Operations Management, Marketing Management, Economics, Strategic Management, Statistics, HR, International Business, Organization Behavior etc... No Catch, just reply !! Stay Happy..Stay Cool !!

Useful Mobile Development Resources

Useful Mobile Development Resources ##################################################################### # Example Snippets File for Mobile Web Development Fundamentals ##################################################################### ------------------------------------------------ Mobile Web Development Resources: ------------------------------------------------ Mobile Web Best Practices: Quirksmode Site: User Agent Strings: HTML5 and Related Web Applications: HTML5 Geolocation API: Local Storage API: Offline Application Cache: Vendor-Provided Resources: Apple: Getting Started with iOS Web Apps:

Localhost from an Android Emulator

ANDROID EMULATOR ON WINDOWS In this tutorial we shall be discussing about accessing localhost server from Android SDK, ofcourse first you need to have that emulator installed on you machine, you can do it from Android SDK official site  . So I am not gonna go into nerd stuff, keeping it short and simple. Now the problem arises in that localhost is not accessible once we type http://localhost/ on our emulators, so how to access that, well pretty simple, just type the following address instead. or and you are good to go. I googled it but couldn't find this simple url, so posting it, may be you can save your time. Happy Coding !!

Title Bar Notifications ticker

In our projects some time or another requirement comes to display error notifications on top of the page. This tutorial explains exactly the same. We have some error or alert notifications that you wants user to get alerted on top of the page, well pretty simple. First lets see the HTML.  <div id='message'>     <ul id="ticker">     <li>             1is jQuery plugin that gives you freedom to easily display your data as graphs. There are three types of graphs: simple, multi and stacked.      <a href="#" class="close-notify">X</a>         </li>     <li>     2Learn how to create image gallery in 4 lines of Jquery      <a href="#" class="close-notify">X</a>         </li>     <li>     3is easy-to-use jQuery plugin for di...

Some CSS resources and quick notes

CSS is something we all pre assume that we know and can code, think again. Following are some quick notes you can refer, post your comments for further discussions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z index is the order of stacking, ie placing of elements one over another font size: em are preferred over pix for device compatibility font-variant: small-caps text-transform: uppercase; text-align: justify or center text-indent: 1em(can also be negative) curning is changing the letter spacing to make text more readable letter-spacing: 1em word space: line-height: 1,6 (times the size of normal font) box model: from outside 1) margin 2) border - width, style, color 3) padding 4) width(inside) facts: if a propery is not declared, don't assume the value is 0 elements often have default margins that you need to account for a 100% width property when combined with padding and borders will create elem...

Jquery Carousels

Jquery Carousels we all love carousels they are a fantastic way to give the effects we want our visitors to have, more than that we have multiple components to show like images, links, text etc. There are lot many ways to achieve it, Jquery is ofcourse the best possible option available outside. We all search for lot of ems it can be Jquery Flexslider  or Jcarousel Lite  whatever you choose, customization is required, in this tutorial I am not going to focus on how to install these libraries rather one step ahead, to let you know how these carousels can be called multiple times in the same page having their controls working respectively for each carousel instance. So, lets get started with the HTML <div id="sideRight"> <div id="first">       <!-- Do not change the class and tag type, as this will remain as it is for all the following divisions-->       <p class="containheader">Plans for you <a ...