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Some CSS resources and quick notes

CSS is something we all pre assume that we know and can code, think again.

Following are some quick notes you can refer, post your comments for further discussions.


Z index is the order of stacking, ie placing of elements one over another

font size: em are preferred over pix for device compatibility

font-variant: small-caps

text-transform: uppercase;

text-align: justify or center

text-indent: 1em(can also be negative)

curning is changing the letter spacing to make text more readable

letter-spacing: 1em

word space:

line-height: 1,6 (times the size of normal font)

box model: from outside

1) margin
2) border - width, style, color
3) padding
4) width(inside)

facts: if a propery is not declared, don't assume the value is 0
elements often have default margins that you need to account for

a 100% width property when combined with padding and borders will create elemenst that are larger than their parent.

Margins and padding

Padding: top right bottom left

background: gardient

hsl model in CSS3 - hue saturation and lightness

units: absolute values: in, cm, mm, pt, pc

relative units: em, exes, px, gd, rem, ch, vm, vh


normal , element and absolute positions

normal- when we do nothing and it is default

relative is with normal document flow

absolute does not follow the normal flow, and other elements occupies the space of that moved element

fixed no movement

element stacking-z index

---floats- float left , clear both

whats new in css3

border radius, box shadow,  multiple backgrounds, rgba hsla, text shadow, multiple columns, web fonts, css gradiant. transforms, transitions, animations

animations and transitions are not same

---vendor prefixes ---

cross browser syntax like moz, opera, webkit

popular CSS framework ---
blueprint --

52 framework --

960gridsystem --

YUI2 framework --

CSS boilerplate --

baseline -  advance typographic styles

for prepocessors

less-- and sass --

turbine , switch css, css cacheer

css editors


v imp -- rapid css --

simple css-

stylemaster --

IMP - stylizer --


-----online tools for css-----



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