Web Dev .NET: The Magic of the jQuery 1.9 Source Map: jQuery 1.9 Supports Source Maps You may have noticed that the 1.9 version of jQuery was released yesterday. One of the most excited pieces of the version is support for Source Maps! ...
STRESS Stress is an unpleasant fact of life. We all experience it for various reasons, and we all try to come up with ways of coping with it—some with more success than others. So what exactly is stress doing to your mind (and body) when you're staring down a deadline? And what can you do to power through it? What Stress Actually Does to You and What You Can Do About It The real problem with stress is that, for such a well understood and universally experienced condition, as a society we deal with it so poorly that it leads to many of our most lethal illnesses and long-term health problems. High blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, stroke, obesity, and insomnia are all medical conditions across the spectrum that can be related to or directly influenced by high stress as an environmental conditio...
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